Wednesday 13 August 2008

Tesco Value Restaurant.

Wouldn't it be lovely if...
Tesco's had its own chain of 'Value' Restaurants, independantly sited away from the
stores, on high streets etc. Within these stores, 'haute cuisine' would be cooked up by Michelin star chefs, but served up for an obscenely low price. How so cheap? well because in true 'credit crunch' style, the ingredients are all Tesco Value items simply learning from the maxim: 'a poor workman only blames his tools'. Tesco's chefs prove that even with the cheapest ingredients, all you need is a bit of creative chef-ery to produce superb dishes. You could also share the recipes with the customers so that they can go and try it themselves with Tesco ingredients of course. Whoopee!

Sunday 3 August 2008

Study anything, anywhere.

Wouldn't it be lovely if...
you could learn from people all over the world about anything. Yeah we've all seen Youtube, which is mainly littered with stupid, enertaining and nearly always hilarious user videos. Thats what 'sells' if you will, but what if I happened to (go with me on this one) require something a bit more sophisticated to land my senses upon? Yes, I'm aware Youtube has moments of intelligence, but it usually isn't vetted and requires sifting through the likes of 'Peter downs whole bottle of Cordial' and 'Emos fighting' before you reach the desired video. There are 126 Universities in the UK, each offering their own degrees, complete with own lecturers and therefore unique lectures. I know that at Bucks (my hole), some of these lectures are filmed, but where do they go from there? Into the dusty shelves of the library's forgotton floors no doubt. Wouldn't it be lovely if these lectures were uploaded onto a user generated site under their correct subject heading for all to see? Imagine if all the educational institutions in the world did that? It could educate the world, or at very least one person about one thing. It would also be great for those students who just can't say no to a second helping of Jeremy Kyle when they know full well their lecture is about to begin. You know who you are.

Squeezy toothpaste nozzles

Wouldn't it be lovely if...
crusty toothpaste didn't engluf the lid? We've all seen it before, some would say too many times. Nobody knows really who's responisble for it, you may have done it once or twice but I won't tell anyone. Truth is this mess just won't do, because by far the worst offender in the catalog of toothpaste grievances is when you try to give yourself a small, pea sized amount, but a little portion of the dried crusty toothpaste convoys off with the fresh stuff straight onto your brush. It's disguisting. Now, take the initiative that Hellmans and Heinz applied to their Squeezy bottles and apply to toothpaste for Gods sake. I'm looking at you Colgate.

Wii Physio.

Wouldn't it be lovely if...
on top of their fantastic Wii Fit invention, Nintendo did a range of add on packs which were aimed at specific physiotherapeutic problems? For example, my grandad recently went for a hip-operation. On his release he was given a sheet of vague information of certain exercises he must do in order to regain his ability to walk. Not bad, however the information was fairly unexplained and my Grandad (given minimal amounts of nurse contact) simply guessed as to whether he was carrying out said movements
correctly. If Nintendo could develop downloads for example, of course endorsed by a physio, which replaced this inefficient system, then everyone would benefit.